Meaning of (शुद्ध करना) shuddh karna in english

As noun : refine Ex:  It means figuratively train, develop, refine by instruction, by exercising
clarify Ex:  In order to clarify the foundations of mathematics
As verb : purge Ex:  Such men are dangerous, we must purge society purify Ex:  Action to purify distill
Other : subtilize to chasten edulcorate to purify Ex:  Arts Who is proper to purify rectify depurate to clean to cleanse to rectify defecate baptize Ex:  The baptismal font, the font where we baptize cleanse chasten to alter alter Ex:  Variants commonly alter the starting position to try Ex:  He wanted to try a third time the fortunes of war try Ex:  He wanted to try a third time the fortunes of war clean Ex:  It also means clean and Distinctiveness
Suggested : to subject to a process of vaporization and subsequent condensation, as for purification or concentration to make (an idea, statement, etc) clear or intelligible to free from ambiguity to make pure free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, or contaminates to bring to a fine or a pure state free from impurities to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable cleanse purify
Exampleशुद्ध करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(शुद्ध करना) shuddh karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : shuddha karanaa

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